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  • Support Groups

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  1. Biweekly group support and education for seniors who are impacted by a family member's addiction.
  2. Al-Anon MeetingsProvided by: Al-Anon Maritimes - AKA: Al-Anon Family Groups
    Provides free confidential self-help in-person, phone and online meetings for individuals impacted by a friend or family member's alcohol addiction.Meetings are also available on the AI-Anon App.
  3. Provides in-person and online peer support meetings and a 12-step program of recovery for individuals who have a problem with alcohol abuse. There are two kinds of meeting:Closed meeting: Open to individuals with a desire to stop drinkingOpen meeting: Open to ...
  4. Online peer support substance use health meetings. Participants are supported to find their own pathway to increase wellness and progress toward health goals in a stigma-free environment through connecting to fellow participants and sharing experiences.
  5. Provides private email groups where members discuss topics or life experiences related to their recovery from addiction. There are general moderated and unmoderated groups as well as groups dedicated to specific topics including:Body issuesSober livingDual rec...
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