Hospitals and Clinics Resource Guide

Please note that availability of urgent or emergency care services varies between hospitals.
For information about any of the specific PEI hospitals below, view Hospital Services.
For information about current wait times in Island emergency rooms, visit Emergency Department Wait Times.
Prince County
Community Hospital, O'Leary
Prince County Hospital, Summerside
Western Hospital, Alberton
Queens County
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Hillsborough Hospital (psychiatric facility)
Mental Health & Addictions Emergency Department (located in Queen Elizabeth Hospital)
Kings County
Kings County Memorial Hospital, Montague
Souris Hospital, Souris
Nova Scotia (services open to PEI residents)
IWK Health Centre (regional healthcare for women, children, and families)
A variety of clinics are available across PEI to meet general and specific health needs. Some of these clinics are by appointment only, please check individual service records for details.
Health Clinics (Holland College)