Supports Indigenous people living in Epekwitk / PEI in both urban and rural areas to prepare for training and employment or a return to work. The program is client-centered and based on each individual participant's career/job plan. Specific employment service...
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- Supports Indigenous people living in Epekwitk / PEI in both urban and rural areas to prepare for training and employment or a return to work. The program is client-centered and based on each individual participant's career/job plan. Specific employment service...
- Provides employment and training support to Indigenous women and gender-diverse individuals who are interested in short-term and long-term employment and education goals.
- Indigenous Skills and Employment TrainingProvided by: Native Council of Prince Edward Island - AKA: NCPEIProvides assistance and funding for training and skills development to Indigenous peoples living off-reserve in PEI increase their employability and find meaningful employment.
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