Voices for Children Coalition

ALIAS : Families First Resource Centre

Baby Club

A time for new parents to come together to share experiences and learn about a variety of baby and parenting topics. There are guest speakers and socializing time. Free childcare provided for older siblings.
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Baby Equipment

Short-term, free loans of baby equipment including: Hospital grade breast pumps * Baby slings * Breastfeeding pillows
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Car Seat Safety

Trained staff can provide instruction on the proper installation of a car seat and answer questions.
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Clothing and Laundry

Free used clothing is available for ages newborn to six years. Clients can trade clothing or take what is needed. A washer and dryer are available to use for free.
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Cooking Programs

Red Seal chefs volunteer their time to offer various programs in the facility's teaching kitchen. All equipment and groceries are provided. Participants prepare meals to share together or take home and learn about various topics in the process, including:
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Family Drop-in Play

Families can drop in to use the playroom for unstructured play time. There are various toys and games available.
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Prenatal and Breastfeeding Support

One-on-one prenatal and breastfeeding support for any questions or concerns.
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Resource Library

Lending library that covers a large selection of topics relevant to families living with young children or the people who work with them. Resources include books, booklets and pamphlets.
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Stroller Walking

Summer program where families can bring their young children in good weather and walk the Montague waterfront together. If weather is poor, a drop-in session is held at Families First instead. Strollers and wagons are available for use if needed.
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Workshops are offered on a variety of topics based on community demand. The most up-to-date information for upcoming workshops can be found on the Families First Facebook page. Some examples of topics offered include:
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