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  • Stay at Home Support

Find Community and Social Resources

  1. Provides in-home services for people who require short or long term support to remain in their homes safely. Depending on individual needs, may include:Nursing care: Health monitoring, IV therapy, injections, wound care, and patient teachingHome support: Assis...
  2. Provides eligible older adults with financial assistance up to $1,800, depending on income, to help them pay for practical services that help them stay in their own homes. Services covered by funding include:General home maintenanceLight house keepingSnow remo...
  3. Services for veterans and their families to receive help at home, assistance with at-risk housing situations, death and bereavement, and financial support for the costs of long-term care.
  4. Helps veterans remain independent and self-sufficient in their home and community.Offers financial assistance to obtain services. Includes:Snow removalLawn mowingHousecleaningLaundryMeal preparationErrand servicesPersonal care (for example, assistance with per...