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  • Hospice and Palliative Care

Find Community and Social Resources

  1. Ask a ProfessionalProvided by: Canadian Virtual Hospice - AKA: Portail Palliatif Canadien
    Healthcare experts provide confidential answers to questions posed online about life-limiting illness, palliative care, loss, and grief. Professionals include physicians, nurses, social workers, pediatric specialists, spiritual care advisors, a grief specialis...
  2. Provides a monthly in-person peer support group for unpaid caregivers who are caring for someone who has a chronic life-limiting illness.
  3. Provides support to those navigating end-of-life choice and care as well as services including:Witnesses under the Independent Witness Program for MAIDWorkshops and presentations for Advance Care Planning (ACP)Presentations on medical assistance in dying (MAID...
  4. Volunteers visit wherever the client resides and will help out in ways to improve quality of life, as determined by the client. This can include:Helping with light chores or meal preparationA few hours respite for caregiversGeneral company, listening and talki...
  5. Volunteers visit wherever the client resides and will help out in ways to improve quality of life, as determined by the client. This can include:Helping with light chores or meal preparationA few hours respite for caregiversGeneral company, listening and talki...
  6. Volunteers visit wherever the client resides and will help out in ways to improve quality of life, as determined by the client. This can include:Helping with light chores or meal preparationA few hours respite for caregiversGeneral company, listening and talki...
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